What Happens When You Forget to Change Your Furnace Filter?

Without a new air filter, the furnace will overheat every time you start up again. This is known as short cycling.

Dirty furnace filters

make the oven work harder than it should due to a decrease in air flow. The more your oven works, the faster your parts will wear out and need repairs.If the air filter is not checked often enough, it will eventually become clogged to the point where air cannot pass through it.

When the furnace is working, the lack of air flow will trap heat in the system. As the temperature inside the system continues to rise, the limit switch will turn the furnace on and off to prevent it from overheating. This will temporarily mitigate the problem, but will not resolve the issue at the root.If the air filter is clogged and can't trap pollutants like before, those things can get back into the air that everyone in your home breathes. Immediate problems may include headaches, itchy eyes or throat, and dizziness.

If air filters are not changed and problems continue, long-term effects could be respiratory disease, heart disease, or cancer. If you do not change the air filter, it can quickly become clogged with dust and particles, preventing proper air filtration.This leads to a variety of problems for your HVAC system, including system inefficiency, higher energy bills, inadequate air quality, and ultimately failures. Changing your air filter and having your HVAC system inspected regularly are part of a preventive maintenance routine. Failure to change the air filter can damage other parts of the system and result in a large repair bill later on.

Changing air filters on a regular basis can help preserve the life of your system and make it work more efficiently.Look for a task you do every 3 months or more often, depending on your needs, and plan to change the filter at the same time. When air filters are not constantly changed, they become clogged by the accumulation of particles and contaminants that adhere to the filter. In short, when you forget to change your air filter, pollutants such as pollen and dust clog the filter and prevent it from doing its job by cleaning the air circulating throughout your home. If you haven't changed your home air filters lately, the next step should be to figure out what filters you need and replace them as soon as possible.But life happens and often changing filters is something we store in the back of our minds when we think about day-to-day work, children and our social lives, and we can just forget.

While changing your air filter can be an easy task to forget, it is an important task for your family's health. If a filter is not changed in good time, it will simply run out of space to collect more of these contaminants. Usually, most air filter manufacturers and HVAC companies recommend changing your air filter every 90 days or 3 months.But what happens if you let that time go a little? Before we talk about WHEN you should change your air filter, let's start with the WHY. Keep reading to learn more about how air filters work in your HVAC system and what can happen when they aren't changed regularly.

Changing your filter may be hard to remember, but the good news is that it's a quick and easy way to improve your quality of life. If you have any questions about what type of filter is best for your system or how often you should change it, please contact us at Air Filters Delivered.