The Dangers of Not Changing Your Furnace Filter

Without a new air filter, the furnace will overheat every time you start up again. This is known as short cycling. Dirty furnace filters make your furnace work harder than it should due to decreased airflow. The more your furnace works, the faster your parts will wear out and need repairs.\If the air filter is not serviced often enough, it will eventually become clogged to the point where air cannot pass through it.

When the furnace is working, the lack of air flow will trap heat in the system. As the temperature inside the system continues to rise, the limit switch will turn the furnace on and off to prevent it from overheating. This will temporarily mitigate the problem, but will not resolve the issue at the root.\If the air filter is clogged and can't trap pollutants like before, those things can get back into the air that everyone in your home breathes. Immediate problems may include headaches, itchy eyes or throat, and dizziness.

If air filters are not changed and problems continue, long-term effects could be respiratory disease, heart disease or cancer. A dirty filter reduces airflow to the HVAC system and makes it work harder, using more energy which costs you more money.\Not changing the furnace filter can be dangerous. Furnaces are very important, but if they are not properly maintained they can become dangerous, and this may be the case if the filter inside is old. Keeping your furnace filter clean can change furnace efficiency and even reduce utility bills.

It can also prevent operational problems, which can lead to fire or other serious problems. A clean filter can better filter the air and prevent the circulation of dirt, allergens or dust in the home. Ensuring that the furnace filter is changed regularly can avoid danger and exacerbation of health problems.\Probably the biggest danger of not changing your furnace's air conditioning filter is that it can damage your HVAC system and reduce your life expectancy. In my opinion, as a licensed home inspector, if you don't change the filter regularly, you can reduce the life expectancy of your air conditioner from 6 to 12 years.

Getting the most out of your home can be as easy as changing your air filters. Homeowners who ignore filters in their heating and air conditioning systems risk increasing energy costs, damaging expensive equipment, and decreasing indoor air quality and personal health.\In the long run, this will shorten the life of your HVAC unit. One of the most dangerous consequences of not changing an air filter is polluted air that is allowed to circulate in the home. You should only change your filter every 6 months if you have a high efficiency 5 inch thick filter, not the standard 1 inch filter.

Some people have reported that rooms with low airflow can even change the color of walls and furniture. And if you are very bad at not changing the filter (I mean, you really strive at it), then you may experience the result of a system failure, such as a broken compressor, leaks in the refrigerant lines or a fan failure. You should change the filter every 1 to 3 months, depending on the filter, if you have pets, and how much the furnace is working. It is recommended to replace the filter at least once a year, but some professionals suggest changing it even more often.\In addition to damage to your air conditioning system, not changing the filter frequently also results in a bad living experience.

In fact, if you have to dust your house frequently, this is a clear sign that the filter needs to be changed or that it is not installed properly. Mold growth on the air conditioning controller, ducts and vent covers is probably the biggest potential health hazard of not changing air conditioning filters frequently. For help changing a furnace filter, there are gas central heating system professionals in Minneapolis and other areas. With a dirty air filter, expect to increase the uptime of your HVAC system while only changing the air temperature in small increments.\In addition to damaging your air conditioning system, neglecting air conditioning filter changes can also lead to mold growth on the vent covers, ducts, and inside the air conditioning controller.

Changing air filters on a regular basis can help preserve the life of your system and make it work more efficiently.