Is Not Changing Furnace Filter a Fire Hazard?

Each household oven will include an air purge filter, which is essential for the heating device to breathe properly. Not changing the oven filter can significantly reduce the efficiency with which the oven works, cause damage to the oven, and possibly create a life-threatening situation in your home. Failure to change the furnace filter may cause a fire in the house or the combination of deadly combustion gases (carbon monoxide) with the air in your home. Oxygen is needed for the furnace to convert natural gas into hot air. A clogged air filter can prevent enough oxygen from passing through and that can cause “flame deployment”.

It's as scary as it sounds, as the flames will “spread from the oven cabinet to absorb more oxygen”. Operating the oven in this state can be dangerous, as it could catch fire to nearby objects. Not changing the oven filter can be dangerous. Ovens are very important, but if they are not properly maintained they can become dangerous, and this may be the case if the filter inside is old. Keeping your oven filter clean can change oven efficiency and even reduce utility bills.

It can also prevent operational problems, which can lead to fire or other serious problems. A clean filter can better filter the air and prevent the circulation of dirt, allergens or dust in the home. Ensuring that the oven filter is changed regularly can avoid danger and exacerbation of health problems. This is one of the main reasons why we constantly remind our customers to change their air filters. Dirty air filters not only adversely affect your home's air quality, but also inhibit your system's ability to function.

If you have allowed your air filters to become severely clogged, you could be blocking airflow completely. This will cause your oven to work too hard. Yes, even in the spring and summer months, your oven works hard to keep the air cool and can eventually lead to a system failure. A dirty air filter is a fire hazard. If the filter is clogged and cannot work properly, the owner can resort to a cheap and easy-to-use alternative to a dryer wipe to clean the filter.

This causes static electricity, which can cause a fire. Yet another reason why you should change filters regularly is that dirty filters pose a fire hazard. Just as a dirty lint trap in the dryer poses a fire hazard, so does a dirty HVAC filter. The lint and debris that accumulates in the filter are highly flammable and, if there is a problem with the filter, it could be a greater fire hazard. You should be sure to change filters regularly and clean the ducts to remove any debris that could be a fire hazard. If the air filter is clogged and can't trap pollutants like before, those things can get back into the air that everyone in your home breathes.

Immediate problems may include headaches, itchy eyes or throat, and dizziness. If air filters are not changed and problems continue, long-term effects could be respiratory disease, heart disease or cancer. For help changing a furnace filter, there are gas central heating system professionals in Minneapolis and other areas. Clean filters can remove pollutants and pollen from the air, making the air breathe clean and safe that will make you feel great. When the air filter is too dirty, dust and other dangerous particles can begin to accumulate not only in the filter, but also in the duct system.

Letting the oven filter work for long periods of time will only attract dust and allergens to your home. Like pet dust and dander, bacteria and viruses are trapped and fed through the ventilation system over and over again without a filter. Depending on the type of air filter you are using, you will need to follow different programs to ensure that the filter is always working for optimal performance. People living in heavily polluted cities may also have respiratory problems if they haven't changed their filter recently. If you're not sure where your air filter is located, your HVAC technician can show you how to perform this essential work during a regular system maintenance visit.

When this happens, you will have to clean your home's heating and cooling system more often and replace air filters much more often than you should. One of the most dangerous consequences of not changing an air filter is polluted air that is allowed to circulate in the home. Some of the common things that block filters are dust, pollen, lint, mold, hair, animal hair, bacteria and more. It's important for homeowners to understand that not changing their furnace filters on time can lead to serious consequences such as fires or health issues due to poor indoor air quality. Dirty filters block airflow which causes strain on your HVAC system leading it to work harder than necessary while also allowing pollutants back into your home's air supply. To avoid these risks it's important for homeowners to regularly check their furnace filters for dirt or debris buildup and replace them when necessary.