How Often Should You Change Your Furnace Filter in Summer?

If you're wondering how often to change your furnace filter in summer, the answer is simple: monthly. During the heating season in winter, most experts agree that replacing the air filter every three months is sufficient. However, during the summer months when your air conditioner is running daily, it's important to replace the filter on a monthly basis. There are several reasons why this is important.

The general recommendation is that oven filters be replaced at least once every 90 days. This is what most manufacturers suggest on their packaging. But does it really need to be changed as often during a mild South Carolina winter as during a sub-zero Minnesota winter? Changing oven filters on a regular basis has a big impact on home comfort and indoor air quality, as well as on the performance, energy efficiency and longevity of your HVAC system. A Honeywell oven filter will have the same filter replacement recommendations as standard filters.

The change of oven filters must be done every month or every year; just as there is a wide variety of filters, there is a fairly wide range of frequency with which they need to be replaced. It's also why many homeowners are surprised when they're told they should change their oven filter in the summer months too. In short, the oven filter traps dirt, dust, allergens and other contaminants, so they don't flow into the heating and cooling system (and you don't breathe them in). No matter how you look at it, changing your oven filter during the summer has several benefits.

By removing the air filter from the air conditioner and holding it up to a light source, you can see if it's dirty or clogged; if you can't see any light through the filter, it's definitely time to change it. Don't let clogged oven filters affect the operation of your HVAC system or contaminate your home's air quality, no matter what season it is. The efficiency of the filter also has an impact, which is expressed as MERV (Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value). As with smoking, an oven filter isn't the most effective way of removing allergens from the air.

A clean filter will trap them more effectively and prevent dust and dander from returning to your living spaces. If you answer yes to this question, you'll want to change your filter every 6 weeks to maintain the best indoor air quality. Know the true purpose of this component of your system, how often furnace filters need to be changed and the problems that arise when you skip this task. Just be careful not to confuse Honeywell oven filters with your HEPA air filters for purifiers, which last much longer.

In addition to keeping your HVAC system free of contaminants, oven filters also help clean the indoor air you breathe.