How to Change Your Furnace Filter in the Winter

It's important to keep your furnace filter clean and changed regularly, especially during the winter months. Professionals, such as our team at Airco Service, Inc., recommend changing your air filter at least every three months. During winter, when you rely more on your heating system, it's best to increase that frequency and change it every month. In most cases, you should replace the filter at least every three months, even in summer.

If you don't seem to remember to do it, a good rule of thumb is to change your oven filter every time the seasons change. Please note that all filters, regardless of MERV rating, may need to be replaced more frequently during the winter months due to increased system usage. Check air filters every few weeks for dirt and grime buildup. Vacuum or clean reusable filters according to manufacturer's instructions, or replace disposable air filters as soon as they look dirty.

It's probably not news to you that you need to schedule maintenance on your heating system before winter. However, the air filter in your system will require constant maintenance during the winter. While, as a general rule, you should change the air filter at least once every three months, be sure to change it every month during the winter. These are good reasons why you should change it more often in the cold season. You need to change the oven filter every 3 months.

That's what most manufacturers recommend on their packaging. But is it necessary to change an oven filter as often during a “cold South Carolina winter” as during a minnesota sub-zero winter? Generally speaking, HVAC furnace filters don't need to be changed as regularly during the winter months compared to the summer months. Here are some guidelines for changing an oven filter based on who lives in your home and related factors. Changing the filter in your oven is quick, easy and a job that any homeowner can do on their own.

If you clean your house constantly and you don't have pets that shed a lot of hair, then a spun fiberglass filter might be fine. Even if no one in the household is allergic, it is advisable to change the oven filter frequently, every 30 days if you have several pets, so that the oven works efficiently. When it comes to maintaining a healthy central air conditioning system in their home, most homeowners are aware that they need to change their air conditioning filters regularly. A minimum efficiency report value describes the filter's ability to trap larger particles between 0.3 and 10 microns. However, they may not know that they also need to change the filter in their oven at regular intervals. For this reason, it is a good idea to periodically inspect the oven filter, even if you have recently changed it.

Replacing your oven filter regularly is a good idea because it keeps your HVAC system and indoor air safe and healthy. Long-term costs include more frequent repairs and the need to replace the furnace or entire HVAC system sooner than expected. Before choosing a filter, check the brands on the old filter and the instructions in the oven owner's manual to make sure you have the correct model for your system. Air filters can be disposable or reusable, depending on your system needs and personal preferences. The deeper the pleats, the more surface area the filter has and the more space it has to collect airborne particles, so it may not clog as quickly as a flat filter. To ensure that your furnace runs efficiently throughout winter and beyond, make sure you're changing your furnace filter regularly - at least once every three months - but preferably once a month during winter when your system is running constantly. By following these simple steps and changing your furnace filter regularly throughout winter and beyond, you can help keep your HVAC system running smoothly and efficiently for years to come.