How Long Should You Wait to Change Your Furnace Filter?

When it comes to maintaining your HVAC system, one of the most important tasks is changing your furnace filter. Most air filter manufacturers and HVAC companies recommend changing your air filter every 90 days or 3 months. This may vary depending on the location of your home, if you have pets, and the age of your system and equipment. For example, a one-inch air filter needs to be changed every one to three months, while a three- to four-inch filter can last six to nine months.

A five- to six-inch filter can last nine to twelve months. By replacing your filters when needed, you can enjoy a heating and cooling system that will perform better and provide clean air that is easy to breathe. The longest time that must pass without changing the air filter is the recommended 90 days. However, if replacing the air filter is simply out of the question for an extended period, going beyond 90 days will not cause irreparable damage to your air conditioning system.

But it will put an unwanted strain on your HVAC system, leading to poor air quality and air circulation. If you have multiple animals living in your home, you need to change a one or two inch filter every month, a four inch filter every two months, and a five inch filter every three months. Even in summer, you should replace the filter at least every three months. If you can't seem to remember to do it, a good rule of thumb is to change your oven filter every time the seasons change.

You should check the oven filter once a month, especially during the winter when the oven is working hard to keep your home warm. To determine if it's time for a new filter, remove it and hold it up to a light source. If the light shines through, you can continue using it. However, regardless of its appearance, you should change your filter after three months for 1″ filters and every 6 months for 5″ filters. If the light doesn't pass through, it's time for a new one. Most ovens come equipped with a standard one-inch filter located in the oven fan compartment.

The oven is part of your HVAC air filtration system responsible for taking in cold air and heating it before it is blown through the rest of the house via the air handler. Thicker filters don't have to be changed as often as 6-inch filters which can last 9-12 months before they need replacing. Depending on your lifestyle and type of oven filter you choose, you may want to change it more often than recommended. A Honeywell oven filter will have the same replacement recommendations as standard filters. If your heater fan is constantly on, you will have to change the filter every month; if it's turned on sometimes it will be every two months; and if you never have it turned on it will be every three months. If your house uses another type of heating system such as a boiler that uses water to heat the house, you won't have filters but for an oven or heat pump, a filter is a vital component.

You should never operate an oven without a filter as dirt and other debris can easily pass through and cause serious damage to your HVAC system leading to failure. When the air flow is blocked by dirt, pollen and other contaminants, the oven accelerates which can cause the engine to overheat and cause a fire. Cats and dogs shed and have odors that can accumulate in their space so it is necessary to change the filter every 2 months. If you find that your oven has a dirty filter but it is a disposable filter and you don't have a replacement on hand, you may be tempted to remove it and let the oven run for a while without a filter. Even if you decide to wait for maintenance during winter, tuning up your oven is still important and useful. Some HVAC systems are designed with one single air filtration system rather than separate systems for air conditioning and ovens. However northern inhabitants whose ovens have no rest for months may want to change their filters every 30-60 days as more air is sucked through the filter causing it to become clogged more quickly. Yes changing the filter has several impacts on the ability of the HVAC system to cool the house and overall air quality.

So make sure you replace your furnace filters regularly according to manufacturer's instructions or when needed.